Featured Acrylic Canvas

"Mask" 2023
"Pollution" 2023
"childish" 2023
"Ugly" 2023
"Pollution #1" 2022

"Bellie Dance" 2023

About Nick Goodin

Nick Goodin is an abstract artist who experiments with different mediums to express creativity. Along with acrylic canvas paintings, Nick Goodin is a songwriter-producer of psychedelic rock music and multi instrumentalist. The artwork and music aim to capture abstract and provocative expression of topics on the human life.

ARU Album 2023

Two Singles have been released from the ARU album by Nick Goodin. You can listen to "Aru", and "Pay" on Spotify, Apple Music, and other major streaming platforms

Get in Touch with The Artist

Feel free to reach out to me for any inquiries or collaborations!